My Travel Log
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Recent adventures -- went down the Strip last night to get a picture of the Bellagio fountains. They called it off because of high winds -- so I went to the Bellagio Gallery Of Fine Art ... a collection of Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Rembrandt, Picasso, and several others. Turns out they only had about one from each artist and they weren't the more famous paintings, but the show was still a worthwhile cultural experience. Here's a copy of my ticket ... whoopee ... Just to prove that I can do something in Vegas other than party and gamble. Does this bring culture to the website or what?

Also had one with a rather sad .. or at least questionable .. ending. I was driving up Las Vegas Boulevard just South of Sunset when I saw a tiny dog in the street (6 lanes wide). He looked like a Corgy about 6 or so pounds. I stopped in the middle of the street and managed to herd him off the road into a field. I then drove across 3 lanes of traffic, jumped a curb, and parked in the field. I jumped out and tried to coax him to me, but the little fella kept running from me until I was about halfway across the field (a square about 3 blocks on each side). I ran back to my truck, drove around the field, and picked him up on the other side. I followed that silly little puppy for about an hour, barely keeping him from being run over several times. I kept thinking he'd wear himself out and I could then run faster than him, but it never happened. Finally, he took off the wrong way up the side of a one-way street -- by the time I got around the block, he had disappeared. How frustrating! The best news I could have is if someone would email me and tell me they managed to pick him up ... oh well.
On a higher note, I met a young couple at the Kinko's (where I was using their internet connection) who are currently full-timing. I told them about the free parking at Vacation Village and we talked some about Quartzsite. They said I was the second one to suggest they visit Quartzsite, so they were considering it. I just got back from the casino (for the final time?) and noticed they've parked in the lot behind me. I'm going to get together with them in the morning and show them the Quartzsite info that I have. They had some satellite/internet info that I'd like to discuss with them some more also. I'm still looking for the cheapest, more effective way to assure myself internet connections without having to search all over town each time I stop.
Well, it's been a heckuva new year's! Have been taking care of a few things (like washing clothes, reading email, etc.) the last couple of days, but have still had time for a few adventures. The question mark in the title really refers to the question that's in my mind -- can I really leave a winner? I've been in and out of the VV casino several times the last few days and am currently up about $500! May not be much to some, but to a person who's never left a casino town as a winner, this could be a biggie! Catch Chapter 9 after I get to Quartzsite to see if I weaken and go back to play or leave a winner ...
Eiffel Tower at Paris Resort
Excuse #3 - too dark and #5 - shakey. I turned the camera at an angle so we could see the entire tower. Impressive, eh? ... lol
Eiffel Tower .. second try
Here we are again. Got the balloon sign in the picture. Thought it looked festive. I think I'm going to give up on photography .. hoho.
Bellagio Fountain #1
This is the start of the show. The lights across the top are the top floors and center tower of the Bellagio. Notice the fountains are only about halfway up the 20-store building. Later, they jumped taller than the building.
Bellagio Fountain #2
Notice how the fountains are "dancing" .. impressive in person .. hard to capture on film.
After leaving Kinko's, I stopped by the Bellagio one more time to try for a picture. I got a few, but they're so dark I'm not sure they're worth all that trouble. Check them out below.
Well, it's 1:30 A.M. and I feel like I've done Las Vegas. Check out Chapter 9 in a few days to see if I left as planned ... LOL.
Almost forgot .. washed my truck yesterday also. It had gotten so dusty inside that I'd have to wet my thumb and wipe the dash panel to see what the odometer read. When I say the desert is dusty, I mean DUSTY ... hoho .. see you in Q!