Well, I've spent enough time wandering around the internet to know that there are multitudes of people giving us a log of their travels. Many of them (including this one) are listed on the HitchItch site -- click the logo on the right to go check out some others.

August 1999
2. I-10, End To End : Adventure Begins! Happenings and pictures from Tallahassee, FL to Quartzsite, AZ
3. Quartzsite, BTDT : (Been There, Done That) Initial Quartzsite visit with explanations of Long-Term Visitor Areas
December 1999
January 2000
10. Glory! : More on La Posa; Trading in the Polaroid One-Step for a digital camera
14. Q-Gridlock : Late January, Quartzsite over-run with RVers, pictures of RVs everywhere
March 2000
28. Florida: Big Fish : My deep-sea fishing adventure, including sharks, sailfish, and many others (plus people)
29. USA: Sunsets : A collection of photos of stunning sunsets from Arizona to Florida
October 2000
Early 2001
35. Cool and Unusual RVs & "Stuff" : A collection of some of the strange and really cool RVs I've seen -- and other cool stuff, like cars, truck, license plates, and billboards
September 2001
Early 2002
37. All About Slide-Outs : A study of slide-out rooms on Class A motorhomes -- Interesting if you're about to buy one -- probably boring if you're not
41. A Couple of Great Rides : What started out to be all about my rides on the river and in the 1932 Ford coupe turn out to be just some nice pictures of the Little River and the Foothills of the Smokies near Townsend.
42. Season Finale : Everybody else is having one, so I decided to also! Actually, you'll see some photos of some really great-looking classic cars and hot rods at a show in Townsend.
Late 2002
47. Cruisin' the Coast : Ha Ha -- different kind of cruisin' -- this time it's on a casino cruise ship -- complete with my winning multi-deck Blackjack system and info on the Jetty Park Campground.
Early 2003
48. How I Spent My Easter Vacation : A winning weekend trip to the Grand Casino in Tunica, Mississippi. Plus, if you're interested, the Nobody Knows It But Me -- Chevy Tahoe commercial.
Late 2003
51. Lost in Mt. Dora : A weekend visit to a sweet little Florida town full of antique and gift shops.
Early 2004
Late 2004
62. A Visit to Helen : We take a pleasant, slow trip through Georgia, Alabama, and to several WiFi campgrounds.
Early 2005
Late 2005
Early 2006
70. Fish of the Day! : Our first fishing adventure in the Atlantic - with photos of a really large Dolphin!
Late 2006
Mid 2007
Late 2007
May 2009
July 2010
July 2012
August 2012
July 2013
91. My Last RV Trip: Fun trip to Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana, before saying goodbye to the RV forever.
May 2020
May 2020
2007 Update! All the photos (Chapters 1 through 36) are now on Shutterfly.com if you want to view them quicker, but without my colorful comments.

When I was working, I'd often read others' travel logs just to get some "virtual" travel time in. I guess my intent here is to address this type of "office-bound" readers as well as those about to embark on an RVing lifestyle and interested in learning what's ahead. As I add new chapters, you'll see the links appear below.
Caution to First-Time Visitors: In the first 9 chapters, I was struggling with a Polaroid One-Step and a Scanner, so pictures are somewhat amateurish. They're better in Chapter 10 and thereafter. Since the log got so long, I decided to put together a Travel Log Summary. Check it out and you might find something of interest that's not obvious from the index below.
Another add-on: I joined Passport America way before I started this travel log and I'm still (2011) sold on them. You'll see several references to them throughout the log. If you're interested in joining, click the link below. Go to Best Camping Club page for more info.
My Travel Log
Nothing in this site is copyrighted -- I'd be honored if you'd
reuse anything you find here for your website