I was wandering up the beach the other day when, suddenly, I was in Huntsville, Alabama ... hoho. Up here for a few weeks to take care of some stuff. Staying at the campground at the U. S. Space and Rocket Center -- not a bad deal. It's only $14 a night ($12.60 if you're a Good Sam'er like me) and there's a FREE phone hookup at the Marriot lobby's Business Center by the campground. Plus, I recently terminated my Mindspring ISP and am experimenting with the freeby ISPs. I've found WorldSpy.Net to be great because they have no ads at all on your screen, but their software is really new and a little flakey (like it brings my Windows 98 down now and then). NetZero is ok, but they insist on keeping that little 2x8 ad window running all the time -- probably not bad on a larger screen, but a little aggravating on my laptop. Of course, it's free, so one can't complain too loudly. I've included both their links here in case you're interested. UPDATE: Check out my Evaluation of Free ISPs page for more current info on these -- I've found one better than WorldSpy!

Anyhoo -- I was talking to a friend the other day about all the travel stuff I've got on this website and he asked why I didn't include one on the Space and Rocket Center -- so here it is.
Before starting, I checked the internet to see what pictures were already out there and I found a bunch. The only thing not yet out there was the BFR, so I'm going to include it here and then point you to more pictures. And at some point soon, I'll tell you what the BFR is ... lol.
Below left is a neat display outside the center and to it's right is the side entrance. That rocket sticking up behind the building used to be the tallest rocket here -- I should know what it is but don't, so will refer to it as RocketOne.

Below left is another shot of RocketOne taken from the West side of the building. Below right is yet another shot of RocketOne, with the bottom of the life-size model of the Saturn V in the foreground -- some of us lovingly refer to it as the Big Funky Rocket (BFR). It's really, really big! When erected in fall of '99, it was the tallest structure in the state of Alabama. Click "Next Page" to see more of it.
27. Huntsville: Camping Under The BFR
My Travel Log
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Left, I backed off enough to take in the entire Saturn V plus RocketOne.
Right, I went to the other side of Interstate-565 to get the whole front view of the Space and Rocket Center.

Sometime in 2001 (when they can afford it, so I'm told), they're going to build a gantry up the side of the BFR -- the gantry is that structure that has the elevator to take the astronauts up and that "falls off" when the shuttle launches. They're also going to build a museum inside between the 2nd and 3rd stages. You'll then be able to ride up the gantry and go inside the Saturn V -- wowee! Can't wait! Right now, they appear to be using it to impress Space Campers. When I was there, they were holding a class under the BFR (see left).
Speaking of Space Campers -- one of the high points of any stay at the Space and Rocket Center campground is when the campers test their model rockets in the field next to the campground. RVers often come out to watch -- and to make sure the rockets don't come down on their RV ... hoho. Below are shots of campers firing their rockets -- most of them fire well, then a parachute opens and they float to the ground -- but nobody knows exactly where they'll alight. It's often in the campground and frequently on top of an RV. No problem, just somewhat of a surprise to the uninformed. The campground is to the right of these pictures -- beyond the trees shown.
Well, that's about all of my pictures -- except to show the mysterious fenced-in "Area 51" that's right by the campground. Never have really figured out what goes on in there.
That's all I've got. For alot more pictures, click the blue sign below to go to the Space & Rocket Center website, or the rocket park picture for a website belonging to a guy named Glen who also took many very nice pictures here.
Wait! I've got a couple of post-scripts. It's like the part of the movie that comes after the credits ... lol. Firstly, that rocket I've been referring to as RocketOne is a Saturn I. Secondly, there's another website for the center -- I haven't been there, but I saw an ad for it. Click the 30th Anniversary poster below and you'll see it. Finally, I went to the "Everest" IMax movie this afternoon at the space center -- fantastic! If you get a chance, be sure to see it. I understand it's making the rounds of all the IMax theaters. That ends my post-scripts.