When I was at the campground up in Alpine, the lady who ran the place told me that my 27' fifth wheel was too large to camp in the park and that I needed to stop at one of the campgrounds outside. Well, being the kind that always tests the "wet paint" signs, I drove on into the park like I belonged there. When I finally got to a ranger station, I learned that there are several camping opportunities in the park. One called the Basin was recommended for motor homes under 23' and trailers under 20', but I saw several larger ones parked there -- the road in is really curvey and mountainous, though, so I'd not recommend it for larger RVs. The Rio Grande campground further in was much more easily reached -- they had full hookups (only about 12 and first-come, first-served) for $12 (I think) and dry camping sites for $7. Being an experienced dry camper fresh out of the desert, that's of course what I chose. Only problem was that most of the sites were already occupied -- I did finally find a really cozy one, but getting into it took alot of wiggling. I got a neighbor (Dick from Wisconsin) to stand behind and tell me when I was about to hit a tree and I soon was in the spot. The first two shots below show how tight it really was -- trees on both sides and up against the posts in the back. The third shot will probably only appeal to those who really enjoy camping and cooking out -- I cooked some cheeseburgers and fried chicken the first night there and the scene looked so inviting that I just had to take a picture -- food was great, too ... lol.

How about some wildlife shots? Below left -- about 15 Javelinas (wild pigs) came wandering through looking for handouts. There were some real cute little ones, but they were hard to get a picture of because the adults kept them pretty well surrounded. Below center, I finally got a picture of a Roadrunner -- they're so fast, I'm usually too slow. Below right, I later saw my first fat Roadrunner -- undoubtedly being fed snacks by campers ... lol.
19. BBNP: A Great Campsite
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