Well, it's not RVing, but this is what I'm doing, so thought I might as well write about it. I was innocently wandering up the beach on March 17th when I spotted Murphy's Irish Pub in a shopping center on Highway A1A. The picture below left is one I took in front -- sun was too bright to read the signs. Below right, I've filled in the words on the signs. Sounds like a worthwhile stop on St. Patrick's Day, eh? So I did.

I wandered inside and found a very busy club -- only a couple of seats in the whole place. I found the food bar, got a plateful of corned beef and cabbage, and went looking for a seat. Finally found one with three people waiting for a friend -- told them I'd give up the seat if their friend showed up ... hoho ... he never did. After they left, I joined another couple with funny glasses -- didn't get their names, but promised to put them on the web -- here they are. Forgot to ask their names. Both groups were alot of fun. We sang a few songs, won some door prizes, and had some green drinks.
Below right is a shot of the guy at the front door. When I first saw him, I figured there was a cover charge. Not so! As a matter of fact, he was giving out tickets for door prizes. So, we got free food, some free green beer (courtesy of Budweiser), and door prizes, too! I highly recommend Murphy's Irish Pub in the 1100 block of A1A in Satellite Beach, especially on St. Patrick's Day! I ended up with a "Spring Break 2000" T-shirt (not sure why they had that, but it fit nicely into my T-shirt collection) and a MGD shirt with shamrock. Not bad for free ... lol
Some time during the evening, the Melbourne Fife and Drum Corps came through and played several songs on the bagpipes, drums, and whatever a fife is. Really great! You never know what you'll bump into when you go partying. We all did a great job singing along with them (I vividly recall doing a fantastic job on "Danny Boy") -- I'm sure they loved it ... lol.

26. Satellite Beach: One More Party
My Travel Log
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After awhile we elected a "Grand Poo-Bah", who was given a cap, hat, and baton, and led the corps out the door. Never could quite hear what we were voting on, but this guy was the tallest and we decided taller must be better ... hoho.
Below you'll almost see a couple of my questionable efforts at taking pictures of the dancefloor. The one on the left is representative of about six that I got that looked just about like this one. The one on the right shows Tommy (who claimed to be Black Irish) with the funny hat. Tommy promised to let me have it if I'd buy him two beers, but then he backed out later and decided to keep it ... lol. So I had to settle for the two t-shirts and a bunch of pictures. All-in-all, not a bad party.