Nothing in this site is copyrighted -- I'd be honored if you'd reuse anything you find here for your website
In January 2003, I decided to start producing a periodic newsletter Retirement Tips and RV Stuff. Below, you'll find a copy of the newsletters to date. If you'd like to get on the distribution for the next newsletter, send me email at
If you're looking for a specific topic in one of the old newsletters, the Search box on the right will find it for you. It will also point you to other references to the topic throughout the website.
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Retirement Tips and RV Stuff Newsletter
Issue 2006.11 Nov 2006
PRIVACY STATEMENT: This newsletter's email addresses are never sold or otherwise made public.
If you're receiving this by email and don't want it, just email me and I'll take you off my distribution list.
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I don't know if it's old age or if I've always been this forgetful, but all during the month, I keep having these great ideas of things to talk about in my newsletter. Just last week I thought of two fantastic topics. If I don't write them down, however, I can't recall them when I sit down to write. Since today is the 26th, I've decided I'd better get this out if I want to make November ... and I can't recall any of those fantastic ideas that I had, so I'll talk about working too much.
Like I've probably said before, I think I'm working more hours per week in my retirement than I did before I retired. The big difference is that I'm doing things I enjoy, plus I'm able to do 85% of it online from home, so I've at least ridded myself of that dreaded daily trip to an office. I guess that's still considered being retired, eh? Not sure what I'd be doing if I wasn't doing what I am doing. I suppose I could sit around all day and watch TV, but I'd probably end up falling asleep every few hours. I think I'll just keep on with what I've got going.
And Joyce is getting to be just about as busy as I am. She's really getting into those watercolors and has actually sold some of her paintings. That has spurred her on to paint even more, so now she's back in her office most of the day, is getting involved in running some of the art shows, has volunteered for some of the duties associated with the art association, and is also starting to wonder if she's still "retired."
I was watching TV tonight (Don't you just love Monday nights? Prison Break, Heroes, and Studio 60 - I like them all) and I remembered one of those great ideas. Doesn't sound so great right now, but maybe I'm just a little tired. The thought was "One of the Dangers of Retirement" - could've also been named "A Danger of Working at Home" or "Pitfalls of Working Online" -- all apply to me. This danger/pitfall results from the fact that you can work anytime. When you're employed, most people put in their hours, then go home and more or less forget about work until the morning. Even if you're one of those who put in 80 hours a week, there are still those times when you can't work, because you're at home and don't have all of the information that you need. When you're retired, home-employed, or working online, you always have access to the info and can work whenever. I used to think how neat it would be to be able to set my own hours, sleep when I wanted, work when I wanted, play when I wanted, etc. I'm finding out that if I don't set some limits, like stopping at (generally) a certain time each day, trying to take some time off on weekends, etc., I just work and work and work and ... work. Some nights I'm online at 11:00, still bouncing emails back and forth with others in my same situation. At some point, it ceases to be fun ... so, I've decided to start setting myself some hours .. unless there's something really important ... but, I'm going to be a little more pragmatic in deciding what's really important today and what can just as easily be done tomorrow. So, there's a lesson that you won't have to learn on your own, when you retire.
Recall, last month, I was speculating on whether one could take an RV trip without having any trouble? Well, I did it in November! Drove about 2000 miles with not even a tiny mishap. I found out it's only 2 days easy driving from Rockledge, Florida to Biloxi, Mississippi - I thought it was farther. Read all about my Mississippi trip, and why I'm so busy, in the IOTR News below. I stopped at several new (Passport America) campgrounds along the way and met some new interesting people. Speaking of campgrounds, check out this site showing "all" USA campgrounds:
November Travel: As said above, Florida to Mississippi and back, with several stops in between.
December Travel: None planned yet. Thinking about doing DisneyWorld around Christmas time, assuming we can get a spot in an RV park at that time of year.
Read on for notes on my latest site updates, some words about how I'd make some money if you guys would buy something off the website, IOTR News, Art News, and wrapping up with my Ramblings on whatever occurs to me between now and then.
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- Several updates on several sites of others, but nothing that needs to be announced here.
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- Have you ever seen our dogs? Check out The reason I bring that up is that two of them are Yorkies and I found the neatest Yorki site, with a dog that looks just like Tootsie, doing tricks: Go there and tell it to sit, roll over, down, stand, sing, dance, jump, shake, fetch, play dead, etc. Then try an unknown command like xyzpdq. Finally, type in Kiss and watch the big finale.
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Here's a list of some interesting products, some of which will make me a few bucks if you need them and buy them here:
- Camp at Half of What Everyone Else is Paying! No home park, no monthly maintenance fees, no long-term obligation, just pay the small annual fee and camp for half-price. Check it out here.
- Dream Lifestyles to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All about How to Get a Life By .... whatever .. you fill in the blank. Check them out here.
- Dream Jobs to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All you need to know about How To Break Into ... whatever is your dream job. Check them out here.
- Earn Money While You Camp! Join WiFiRV as an affiliate, either a lead generator (tell us about campgrounds that need WiFi) or a sales representative (assist in the selling of WiFi systems). Go to my Internet On The Road (IOTR) / WiFiRV page to learn how you can earn up to $500 for a few hours work.
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Joyce put some of her watercolor paintings in an art show this month! Her first experience in a show and she actually sold a painting there! We're both quite pleased. And then, she and some of her fellow artists hosted an art reception and open house at an art store in Viera, where she has some of her work on display. Again, she sold some pieces there! I imagine it's really exciting to create something, then have people willing to buy it and display it in their homes. I create websites, which is kind of similar, but to have someone walk up and admire your work, then even buy it, is a whole different thing. People seldom call me to say they admire something I've created - every now and then, I get a positive comment from this newsletter or my websites, so I guess that's somewhat similar. Anyway, Joyce is happy, I'm happy, etc.
We try to update whenever we can. It's really hard to keep up, because she puts out new paintings awfully fast compared to how much time I have for website updating. If you see anything on the site that you'd be interested in buying, email Joyce for info on size, price, etc. Some have that info included and some don't. Also, if you have a topic, pet, or whatever that you'd like an original painting of, just let her know.
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Well, I usually can't say much about what's going on with WiFiRV, but this month I can!
As you know if you've read much of my web-writings, I've been a great fan of the Passport America half-price camping club for quite awhile (see Best Camping Club). About two years ago, it occurred to me that the three things I look for in camping are Passport America, cable TV, and WiFi (preferably by WiFiRV). I can't do much about cable TV, but what if I was able to work out an arrangement between Passport America and WiFiRV where we do a majority of their parks at a discount price, offer low user rates, and still provide all of the associated perks that come with any WiFiRV deployment? With that in mind, I contacted the Passport America office in Long Beach, Mississippi and we started talking.
Well, with a few little interruptions, like Katrina, we've continued discussing what's best for the Passport America park owners and members, as well as feasible for WiFiRV. Earlier this month, I met with Ray Fernandez, Passport America owner, and John Borg, II, WiFiRV CEO, in Mississippi, and together we developed the best package that we could, without breaking our bank. As a Passport America member, as well as a Regional Sales Manager for WiFiRV, I'm excited about it from several perspectives. I look forward to the day that I can always have WiFi access, as long as I stay in a Passport America park, and am able to offer it to non-WiFiRV parks at the lowest rate around. I think I might even be able to give up my Verizon wireless card!
We're currently in the process of informing the parks and Passport America members of the details. I can't let all the cats out of the bag quite yet, but I can say one thing of interest to some of you. If you stay at a Passport America park that either has low quality WiFi or no WiFi, you can earn up to $500 for telling us about it, assuming we can ink a deal with them within 180 days! To learn more about that, email me at my WiFiRV address and I'll explain it to you (
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I've got a list of websites that I've bumped into this month that I think are worth passing along, so I guess I'll ramble about that a little.
First, if you have a Florida driver's license, you can now associate Emergency Contact information with your license. What a great idea! If you have an accident, they knowimmediately who to call, based upon your driver's license number. Click here for details.
Here's a curious one: WorldoMeters - World Statistics updated in real time. I figured it was from someone with an agenda, like Green Peace or whoever, but it looks pretty much like just facts (I guess they're true) of interest, in the areas of World Population, Government & Economics, Education, Environment, Food, Water, Energy, and Health. For example, did you know that there were 857,951 book titles published this year, as of 11/27/2006? Maybe that's why our Aliens to Vegas isn't selling well ... haha.
Another curious fact - This newsletter is almost exactly the same length as the October one. Wierd!
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Email to sign up for the next newsletter, coming whenever I'm in the mood again.
Permanent Mailing Address: R. Hoffman, 1033 Jacaranda Circle, Rockledge, Florida 32955.

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Retirement Tips and RV Stuff Newsletter
Issue 2007.01 Jan 2007
PRIVACY STATEMENT: This newsletter's email addresses are never sold or otherwise made public.
If you're receiving this by email and don't want it, just email me and I'll take you off my distribution list.
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It's January 1, 2007! I got to bed earlier than usual last night, about 12:30, so I'm up and on the computer at 8:00 this morning with not much to do. Of the 52 items on my to-do list, there aren't really any that I can do until tomorrow, when everyone else comes back to work. I was going to do this "December" newsletter yesterday, before December ended, but wasn't really in the mood. I'm not really in the mood now, and in fact there's a no-limit tournament starting on Full Tilt Poker in about 20 minutes, so that's probably where I'll go. I was sitting here, trying to decide whether to do the newsletter (a chore), or play poker (fun). Poker or Newsletter? Poker or Newsletter? So, I decided to do both. If I keep working on the newsletter, while playing the tournament in the background, I'll play less hands and maybe win a few bucks. I'll probably let you know later in this epistle as to how I am doing/did on the tournament.
Most of what I'm going to include here today are websites that I've bumped into this past month, that I think some of you will find interesting or useful. Some relate to retirement, some to RV travel, and some to other topics that I found interesting. I also decided to make this the January 2007 newsletter, instead of December 2006, just so I'd get to type 2007 for the first time :) If anyone feels a dire need to see a newsletter for December 2006, contact me and I'll fit one in somewhere.
Second, a Pearl Harbor video at for oldsters like me with an interest in World War II stuff. Really a moving video, with great sounds effects, Hawaiian music, some really vivid photographs, and Roosevelt's famous "infamy" speech.
Fifth, has some photos of a Chinese RV! I didn't even think they'd have any, but I guess they're probably a world-wide phenomenon. I guess that makes me a silly American, who's not aware of civilization outside the 50 states .. haha. [Oop! The game is starting .. be back soon] This website is actually about an RV sold in America, but manufactured in China. Maybe they don't really have RVs in China ... or do they?
Sixth, a really great jukebox website at It has all of the songs that were popular in 1956-1960 - I mean ALL OF THEM! And they're not some Wurlitzer version, they're the actual singers that did the original. Since I was in high school in 1955-1959, I had a ball going through and listening to these oldies. I'll be mentioning this in my monthly recollections of high school days on our class website, when I get around to doing the January 1956 update. If you like reminiscing, you might want to wander over there. In June 2005, I started a "Countdown to the 50th", our 50th reunion planned in 2009. I started then, talking about June 1955, and have found something to chatter about each month since then on what we did back in our high school days.
Well, that's all of the notes in my notebook. Can't think of much else to chat about here. I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve and will have a prosperous AND HEALTHY 2007! We celebrated last night by watching the balls drop at Times Square ... I guess there was only one, but it was on two channels, so looked like two. I was watching poker on the Travel Channel and another on ESPN earlier in the evening and fell asleep for an hour or so, so I [oha! just took my first pot in the poker game] guess I had about 9 hours sleep, thus explaining why I'm up so early this morning. I usually don't get started until 10 or so, but every now and then, I wake up for the dogs' 7:00 run and can't go back to sleep. I guess that's one of the down-sides of having children/dogs.
December Travel: None.
January Travel: None planned. Joyce has art shows in January and February, so maybe we'll get on the road about March or April. In the meantime, I play poker, write newsletters, answer email, phone people about WiFi systems, review documents for those who pay me, and apparently eat more than I should. I've gained back about 6 or those 35 pounds I lost earlier this year - maybe time for a resolution?
Read on for notes on my latest site updates, some words about how I'd make some money if you guys would buy something off the website, IOTR News, Art News, and wrapping up with my Ramblings on whatever occurs to me between now and then.
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- We have a blog update! – [aha! just took another small pot] The new article is call How We Do Stuff and is a not so indepth study of why different people do the same thing different ways. Go check it out and maybe you'll have something to contribute to the planned online survey on this world-shaking topic! Oh .. in case you don't know .. blog is at http://RV-Blog.RV6.ORG/.
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- Well, I guess I named all the interesting websites for the month, up in the first section, so maybe I'll just do a commercial. Are you RVing? Would you like to make some easy money? [aha! one more small pot - but, my stack is depleting .. that's poker ... we've dropped from the original 316 players down to 175, so that's a good sign .. but, average stack is 2,771 and I've only got 1,270 .. hmmm ...] Anyway, back to the easy money. Go to and you'll see my WiFiRV ad on how to sign up to be a Lead Generator. You just point us to parks that want or need WiFi, and we follow-up. If they decide to partner with WiFiRV, you get a bonus up to $500! Just that easy! Check it out!
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Here's a list of some interesting products, some of which will make me a few bucks if you need them and buy them here:
- Camp at Half of What Everyone Else is Paying! No home park, no monthly maintenance fees, no long-term obligation, just pay the small annual fee and camp for half-price. Check it out here.
- Dream Lifestyles to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All about How to Get a Life By .... whatever .. you fill in the blank. Check them out here.
- Dream Jobs to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All you need to know about How To Break Into ... whatever is your dream job. Check them out here.
- Earn Money While You Camp! Join WiFiRV as an affiliate, either a lead generator (tell us about campgrounds that need WiFi) or a sales representative (assist in the selling of WiFi systems). Go to my Internet On The Road (IOTR) / WiFiRV page to learn how you can earn up to $500 for a few hours work.
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For those who are following Joyce's career, she's participating in the following art shows:
* CAPE CANAVERAL LIBRARY, January 19-20, 201 Polk Ave, Phone: 321-868-1101,
* AN AFFAIR WITH THE ARTS … A FINE ART SHOW, Feb 17-18, Space Coast Convention Center, Located in the Holiday Inn Express, I-95 and SR 520, Cocoa, FL;
* MANATEE PARK CAPE CANAVERAL, March 31 to April 1, 701 Thurm Blvd., Cape Canaveral.
You may also view (and/or purchase) her paintings at Sunshine Art and Frame, corner of Viera Boulevard and Murrell Road in Viera.
We try to update whenever we can. It's really hard to keep up, because she puts out new paintings awfully fast compared to how much time I have for website updating. If you see anything on the site that you'd be interested in buying, email Joyce for info on size, price, etc. Some have that info included and some don't. Also, if you have a topic, pet, or whatever that you'd like an original painting of, just let her know.
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Things are picking up in the Hoffman and WiFiRV world! I'm the Regional Sales Manager for all of the Gulf Coast states and have managed to pick up a few parks in Florida, Mississippi, and Texas. Still working on Alabama and Louisiana. On top of that, I'm involved in every contact with any Passport America park anywhere, so that's keeping me somewhat busy also. BUT, I'm still retired in the sense that I don't go to an office every day ... maybe that's more like semi-retired, working from home, self-employed, ... but, I've still got time to play an occasional poker game now and then, so I'll stay with semi-retired. AND, as soon as I make my second million, I'll retire for sure (I made and spent the first million over the last 65 years ... I sat down and added it all up once). HOWEVER, what do I do if I REALLY retire? Sit around on the computer and answer emails and play games and watch TV? ... hmmm ... that's what I'm doing now. I could play golf ... but, it usually takes me about 3 swings to hit the ball and that's rather frustrating, so I'll probably keep doing what I'm doing.
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Ramblings? haha ... that's sort of what I've been doing thru this whole newsletter. Joyce tells me that whatever I'm doing on New Year's Day, I'll be doing throughout the year. Maybe I'll stop working on this newsletter and go play another Poker game ... I'd rather spend the year doing that.
Hope the new year finds you all in good health and reasonably wealthy and somewhat wise. Oh! Almost forgot! It's an annual ritual for me to go back and look at my newsletters for Januarys past, just to see how things have changed (or not).
January 2003: I did the newsletter on the 20th .. must have been a busy month. Aaah ... it was my very first newsletter. I had just incorporated Robert Hoffman Consulting, Inc. -- that has turned out to be a great idea. I've managed to have both the company and myself in the zero tax bracket for the last couple of years, thanks to my accountant and favorable tax rules.
January 2004: Newsletter online the 16th ... I had just published Retire and Travel - 20 Years Later and put the ad on my website. I talked about a great discovery - WiFi! haha ... this is when that all started. In Ramblings, I was rejoicing about how the DOW finished above 10,000, the NASDAQ finished above 2000, and our 1994 Lincoln Town Car just turned over 120,000. Now, in 2007, DOW is at 12,463, the NASDAQ is at 2415, and the Town Car is somewhere around 130,000. I was also complaining about how gas prices were expected to hit $3.00 in the summer. Things haven't changed much ... but maybe improving slightly. Regular Unleaded was still as $2.32 or so, last time I noticed.
January 2005: Big news was the devastating Tsunami that had just hit. And, it looks like that was my time for revamping "Revamping this newsletter, my Internet On The Road (IOTR) website, my Poker system, my exercise plan, and whatever else I find in my life that needs revamping." Well, here we are a year later, I no longer talk about my Poker system, since I haven't ever found any consistent way to win for an extended period. My exercise plan is still a plan. But, most other things are nicely on track, so I'm looking forward to a great 2007! Hope all of you are, too!
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Email to sign up for the next newsletter, coming whenever I'm in the mood again.
Permanent Mailing Address: R. Hoffman, 1033 Jacaranda Circle, Rockledge, Florida 32955.

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Retirement Tips and RV Stuff Newsletter
Issue 2007.03 Mar 2007
PRIVACY STATEMENT: This newsletter's email addresses are never sold or otherwise made public.
If you're receiving this by email and don't want it, just email me and I'll take you off my distribution list.
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And aren't we glad when it does!
Well, I did a newsletter in November, then the first day of January, and now it's March. I think about a topic now and then, consider it for a while, then decide that it doesn't sound interesting enough. I still don't have a great topic, but I've got several great online links that I want to pass along.
I received an update of "what I've been up to" from a friend the other day and I filed it without reading it. On the other hand, I always scan through Chuck Woodbury's newsletters, even though they come every week. So, what makes me read one and not the other? I think it's because the former is a friend, but we have very few common interests. The latter is an RVer and talks about travel, RVs, and related topics. So, I guess as long as I'm talking about topics that interest you, maybe you'll keep reading. ... Assuming that you think as I do, which is probably a big assumption. At any rate, here are some neat websites:
Second, if you're looking for a list of retirement spots, keyed to your interests and preferences, go to this website and answer their questions. There are 8 sets of about 10 or so questions, but they're all multiple choice, so don't take long. What results is a list of the top 24 places for you to retire! I gave the list to Joyce and she's been over there looking at houses, etc. for about 30 minutes already. It's a good list, with realtors, homes for sale, and other info about each location.
Fourth, if you travel in Texas a lot, maybe you haven't yet heard about the Texas RV Rewards program explained at You join, accumulate travel points, then use them to camp free.
Fifth, I got an email with 5 great tips about cellphones - if they're true. They include the number to call for emergencies, reviving a dead battery, thwarting theft, etc. For the info from Mr. Snopes on which are true or partly true, read
Finally, two that are just for fun. Remember those little glass snowglobes that you shake to see the snow fall? Check the online snowglobe at Then, a Honda commercial that looks like a neat, computer-generated special effects display, but it's actually a live show that required 605 takes to get it right. See Honda domino show at
Well, that's all of the notes in my notebook. Can't think of much else to chat about here. As my title says, life goes on. For those of you familiar with my medical history, I had a test last week and am clear again - that makes 9 months without any problems! More on what's happening with Joyce and I in Art News, WiFi News, and the next two paragraphs.
February Travel: I got a surprise call in January, asking me to come to Huntsville to help on a proposal, so off I went. I camped at the Alabama Space and Rocket Center Campground, as usual. Spent two freezing weeks there alone, then zoomed down to Rockledge, picked up Joyce and the dogs, and returned for two more weeks. Made a few bucks, visited some old friends, and was reminded why I like it in Florida.
March Travel: None planned. Getting taxes done, then planning a vacation trip in April (if nothing else pops up).
Read on for notes on my latest site updates, some words about how I'd make some money if you guys would buy something off the website, IOTR News, Art News, and wrapping up with my Ramblings on whatever occurs to me between now and then.
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- I've done some tweaks and improvement and fixes on most of my websites, but nothing specific to point to here. Why don't you just go to and visit all of those listed? :)
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- I've just completed, where you'll find some outstanding photographs and information on an excellent interior design and custom cabinetry company in Melbourne.
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Here's a list of some interesting products, some of which will make me a few bucks if you need them and buy them here:
- Camp at Half of What Everyone Else is Paying! No home park, no monthly maintenance fees, no long-term obligation, just pay the small annual fee and camp for half-price. Check it out here.
- Dream Lifestyles to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All about How to Get a Life By .... whatever .. you fill in the blank. Check them out here.
- Dream Jobs to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All you need to know about How To Break Into ... whatever is your dream job. Check them out here.
- Earn Money While You Camp! Join WiFiRV as an affiliate, either a lead generator (tell us about campgrounds that need WiFi) or a sales representative (assist in the selling of WiFi systems). Go to my Internet On The Road (IOTR) / WiFiRV page to learn how you can earn up to $500 for a few hours work.
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Joyce is still creating new artwork daily. You can still view (and/or purchase) her paintings at Sunshine Art and Frame, corner of Viera Boulevard and Murrell Road in Viera. She also has some on display at the Wuestoff Hospital Cafeteria in Rockledge on U.S. 1.
We try to update whenever we can. If you see anything on the site that you'd be interested in buying, email Joyce for info on size, price, etc. Some have that info included and some don't. Also, if you have a topic, pet, or whatever that you'd like an original painting of, just let her know.
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For those who RV full-time and try to have internet access whenever they stop, I think I've mentioned in the past my Verizon Wireless card. It's worked almost everywhere that I've tried it and is a great substitute when WiFi isn't available. One of the downsides that I mentioned was that you're under contract to pay $60 a month for two years. Recently, I learned that they have a "deactivate" option that allows you to turn the card off for up to 90 days. It costs $15 to turn off and $15 to turn back on, but that's still a savings over the $60/month if you leave it off for at least a month. They then add that time on the end of your contract, which is fine with me. I turned mine off, but then got the Huntsville call 10 days later, so had to turn it back on - so much for saving money :) Maybe next time .. it's turned off now .. we'll see if I make it even 30 days.
Here's a great one for those of you who aren't fortunate enough to travel by RV and are destined to use airplanes and rental cars ... yeeccch. Avis is in the process of making a "mobile hotspot" available in any of their cars, see: They're supposed to have them available for $10.95 a day. They work off a cellular network, like my wireless card mentioned above. They sound a little more hi-tech, but who knows. btw, you might have to register to read the article, but it's free and gives you the option to get headlines emailed to you daily, so why not?
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How about if I mention some of the topics I thought about and discarded as not worth the effort?
I thought about talking about how I sit out on the patio sometimes and marvel at how I'd never have guessed 10 years ago that I'd be sitting by my pool in Florida, doing pretty much what I wanted when I wanted (within our budget), and just generally enjoying my retirement. Then, I decided against that because it sounded kind of cocky and isn't entirely true, since many would tell me that I ain't really retired. I guess my point wasn't really so much how great things are, as how surprised I am.
I thought about the fact that I started the "Countdown to the 50th" (class reunion) back in June 2004, which was exactly 50 years after my graduation from Junior High School in June 1954. Now, I'm on the 1957 part of the story, when I was already finishing my Sophomore year. I was giving some thought to whether that three years from 1954 to 1957 seemed longer than the three years from 2004 to 2007. Seems like someone is always saying how the years seem to pass more quickly as we get older. However, I thought about all the changes in our lives since June 2004. I've really started sort of a whole new career in WiFi and am finally making some money at it. Joyce has moved from painting walls to painting, matting, and framing pictures and has also sold a few. Although it does seem that there were many more changes for me during my first two years of high school, I'd say these last two years have been nearly as eventful and not too much shorter.
I thought about ranting a little about how the U. S. Congress has screwed up my plans by outlawing online gambling. It's strange that I can drive 10 miles one way and play on a casino ship, or 10 miles the other and play Texas Hold'em at the Greyhound track, or go to any bar in town on a Friday or Saturday night and play for points that lead to an entry in a World Poker Tour tournament, but I'm not allowed to play in the comfort of my own home. It's not really dead yet, but it's becoming more difficult and those who are successful in continuing their play are probably liable for arrest at some point. I've degraded to "play money" games and have run my 1000 chips up to 12 million, but am not finding that nearly as rewarding. But ... not being one to whine, I won't talk about that.
I thought about any number of other things that I could whine about like the homeowner insurance situation in most of the Gulf states, the falling home values in Florida, the ... but ... that wouldn't do much good, so I won't.
In general, I'd say that I'm about as comfortable as I should expect to me, based upon the amount of effort and planning I didn't put into my retirement, so really have no complaints. Hope this newsletter finds you able to say the same.
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Email to sign up for the next newsletter, coming whenever I'm in the mood again.
Permanent Mailing Address: R. Hoffman, 1033 Jacaranda Circle, Rockledge, Florida 32955.
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Retirement Tips and RV Stuff Newsletter
Issue 2007.05 May 2007
PRIVACY STATEMENT: This newsletter's email addresses are never sold or otherwise made public.
If you're receiving this by email and don't want it, just email me and I'll take you off my distribution list.
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The title of this newsletter is Retirement Tips and RV Stuff, but I usually find myself short on RV Stuff and have to resort to rambling about whatever occurs to me. Well, this month I've got a bunch of RV Stuff!
For starters, how would you like to get your RV fuel for only 75 cents per gallon? Wow! Sounds too good to be true. Well, there are some strings. First, it only works for diesel fuel. Check the Forum article entitled "Want to Pay 75 Cents a Gallon For Diesel Fuel?" It actually tells you how to produce your own bio-diesel fuel and I guess it will cost you 75 cents a gallon, until restuarants start figuring out that their old cooking oil is worth something. Before you know it, they'll do like the service stations did when they realized that diesel trucks were burning their cheapo kerosene. All of a sudden, they have kerosene for home and farm use only, then more expensive kerosene for on-the-road use. I imagine used cooking oil will eventually go that same route. Making your own might save you some over the next few years, however, so check out the article if you're interested.
Now, how about some good news and bad news. Bad news first: I recently read an article named "Will law threaten full-timers' freedom?" It seems that a new law called the "Real ID Act" was passed in 2005 and signed by President Bush. It mandates that all states provide verification of all individuals' identities when renewing their state-issued ID cards or driver licenses. This means that if you don't have a permanent street address and a utility bill, etc., to prove it, you can't get a license? Now that's a wierd law ... meant to combat terrorists, I suppose, but they all probably have an address and a utility bill ...
Most of the above are courtesy of Chuck Woodbury, as is this rv video blog webpage. He's got videos that are entertaining, possibly educational, and some downright amazing. When you have some free time, go check it out.
Lastly, how about some music while you read? Just CLICK HERE to go to the jukebox for the period 1955-1959, then click back here and continue while it plays in the background.
April Travel: Fishing trip! See site updates below for Travel Log chapter 79.
May Travel: Might do a little fishing again mid-May. Buckner tells me the best times are late April through early June. Also still planning that vacation trip sometime, but who knows when ... may not do it, if gas keeps rising.
Read on for notes on my latest site updates, some words about how I'd make some money if you guys would buy something off the website, IOTR News, Art News, and wrapping up with my Ramblings on whatever occurs to me between now and then.
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- This month, I'm going to feature Joyce's, where you'll find both her faux painting work and her more recent watercolor work featured.
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Here's a list of some interesting products, some of which will make me a few bucks if you need them and buy them here:
- Camp at Half of What Everyone Else is Paying! No home park, no monthly maintenance fees, no long-term obligation, just pay the small annual fee and camp for half-price. Check it out here.
- Dream Lifestyles to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All about How to Get a Life By .... whatever .. you fill in the blank. Check them out here.
- Dream Jobs to Go! Great electronic books for $12.95 that download to your computer immediately. All you need to know about How To Break Into ... whatever is your dream job. Check them out here.
- Earn Money While You Camp! Join WiFiRV as an affiliate, either a lead generator (tell us about campgrounds that need WiFi) or a sales representative (assist in the selling of WiFi systems). Go to my Internet On The Road (IOTR) / WiFiRV page to learn how you can earn up to $500 for a few hours work.
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Joyce is still creating new artwork daily. You can still view (and/or purchase) her paintings at Sunshine Art and Frame, corner of Viera Boulevard and Murrell Road in Viera. She also has some on display at the Wuestoff Medical Center on Merritt Island's Courtenay Boulevard.
We try to update whenever we can. If you see anything on the site that you'd be interested in buying, email Joyce for info on size, price, etc. Some have that info included and some don't. Also, if you have a topic, pet, or whatever that you'd like an original painting of, just let her know.
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Does it indicate that the popularity of WiFi is rising when they start publishing jokes about it? For example, you can go to to read all about the new product that you spray around your computer to speed up your WiFi. The page actually looks like it's about a real product!
Then there's the one about the FREE toilet WiFi from Google at Really strange to see something like this associated with I didn't know they did jokes. Again, this looks like a real article.
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Besides the Google Toilet WiFi above, I've got several more Google items, so I guess I'll just ramble along about Google.
First, go to and put in your phone number. Lo and behold! There's your address. It even works on cellphones. There's also an option to block your address, if you want to.
Second, here's a really neat one! Phone Google Information! That's right, call Google, not google Google. Just pick up your phone, call 1-800-GOOG-411 and ask for information on almost anything. For example, tell the city you want and then say "campgrounds." You'll be surprised what comes up. This is really great for finding out about a city you're entering, while RVing down the highway. I'm not sure how great it is for restaurants, Wal-marts, or whatever - try it for yourself and see what comes up. What can you lose?
Here's one that's not from Google, but about Google: advertises the new Google Content Blocker. This "tool" removes all the content and leaves only the ads, making it much easier to see all those advertisements that Google is getting paid for :) As a matter of fact, that J-walk site has a bunch of fairly funny stuff on it - wander around a little while you're over there.
Actually, I don't like Google much. I admit they've got some great ideas, but they also are really pushy. Seems like every time I turn around, I'm having to delete another Google tool bar or reset my homepage back to what it was, after Google "invades" my computer while I'm doing something unrelated. You go visit a website and bam! All of a sudden is where your browser goes on startup. Or you download a Java update and bam! There's that annoying Google toolbar back on the menu bar of your browser. I'm sure I've deleted that thing 5 times already, and sometimes it's really difficult to do so. At least they have the decency to set it up so it's possible to uninstall, unlike some of the other aggravating "computer invaders."
What really surprises me is how Google has managed to invade all aspects of our lives. I've been using Yahoo Search for years and haven't tried Google for searches very much at all. Every now and then, I do it just to see if they provide anything better than Yahoo, but that's usually not the case. What surprises me is that the expression "just google xxx" (for whatever or whoever you're looking for) has become such a household expression in such a short time. I think it's mainly newbie computer people who have been caught up in google-mania, but I've also heard it from some experienced computer types. I don't know if it was TV advertising or what, but they sure have done a thorough job of "indoctrinating" the American public. Every time I hear someone say it on a talk show on TV, or in a sitcom, or even on the news, it's a little aggravating to me for some reason. I guess I've always been a little ticked when something gets pushed on me. Like when Vlasic pickles were suddenly the only pickles on the shelf - they had obviously paid someone off to get their product pushed to the front. However, a few years later, they got squeezed out by another new pickle brand, so I guess that's some satisfaction.
I learned a long time ago in my shopping that if a new product is suddenly your only choice, don't fight it. It really is nearly impossible and the new product is usually as good as the one you formerly bought, so what the heck. I guess that's business. With Google, however, I'm continuing the battle .. I'll do Yahoo Search as long as there is one.
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Email to sign up for the next newsletter, coming whenever I'm in the mood again.
Permanent Mailing Address: R. Hoffman, 1033 Jacaranda Circle, Rockledge, Florida 32955.