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Retirement Tips and RV Stuff Newsletter
Issue 2010.07         Jul 2010
Publisher, Bob Hoffman -
Back Issues at -
PRIVACY STATEMENT: This newsletter's email addresses are never sold or otherwise made public.
If you're receiving this by email and don't want it, just email me and I'll take you off my distribution list.

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This is my second time writing this particular newsletter. I started out writing a bunch on "Are We RVing Yet?", then decided that was more appropriate for my RV-Blog where I ramble on about my thoughts on something of interest to me, but possibly not to anyone else. That way, those interested have the option of going to the blog, but those not interested don't receive an email about it.

I decided instead to make this a sort of intro to myself, mostly for some people in Mentone, Alabama that I've recently met. I'm sending a copy of this newsletter out to all my Mentone friends, and then leaving it to them to sign up if they want to receive future newsletters. So, if you live around Mentone and want to get on my newsletter distribution, email me. If you don't email me, I'll not send you any more newsletters.

Most of the 300 or so that receive this newsletter "know" me as an RVer and a guy that talks about retirement a lot. I put the know in quotes, because I've actually not met most of you in person, but only through our online communications. Others know me as a computer guy that they worked with at one of several aerospace or missile defense companies sometime between 1968 and my "retirement" in 1999. Retirement in quotes, because I'm still working, just not in an office. And speaking of retirement, most of you know me through my main website, Retirement Tips and RV Stuff, which is where this newsletter is posted. I first retired at age 21, have retired 3 more times since then, and consider myself somewhat of an authority on how to (and how not to) plan for and enjoy retirement.

Most of those who have met me in Mentone know me as the husband of the lady (Joyce) that runs the recently-opened Art Gallery @ Mentone and as the guy that maintains the website and a few other Mentone-related websites. What you may not know is that I maintain over 50 websites in a variety of areas ranging from artists to businesses to friends and family. Also included are sites that I keep up for my own entertainment in areas like Science Fiction, World War II,  and several other topics of interest to me. See the LATEST SITE UPDATES section below for links to some of these.

Besides maintaining those websites, I also occasionally publish a newsletter like this one, when I get in the mood and think I have something to say that would interest others. I also occasionally update my RV-Blog, again when I have something that might be interesting. My third, and oldest, "publication" is my Travel Log, which I started on a trip to Quartzsite Arizona in 1999 and have added to now and then over the last 11 years. Links to all of these are below.

Hopefully, there are a few out there who view me as an author. I've written a couple of RV travel books, some Science Fiction stories,  a how-to Poker book, a spy novel, and a doggie book. You can read about them and PURCHASE THEM on my Retirement Tips website referenced below.

So, that's me and that's where I spend much of my "free" time during my "retirement." And now, as is customary in my newsletters, let me tell you about some websites I've learned about recently that I think might be worth your time to visit.

The first is - an amazing collection of really old tv shows, including all Star Trek episodes since 1966, many shows from the 1950s like Ed Sullivan, and many that I watch on the TV Land channel, like Gunsmoke and Andy of Mayberry. The site is a little disorganized and it takes some searches to find what you want, but there certainly is a lot of old TV there.

Another really interesting site I encountered recently was  with hundreds of fantastic photos. It's updated monthly with new additions and provides a search capability to allow you to find pictures of topics that interest you.

Finally, I'd like to update/correct something I said in an earlier newsletter. Recall that I usually buy my gas at Murphy's (Walmart) stations because they're usually cheaper and the oil comes from USA sources. Some time ago, I found that simply purchasing a Walmart Gift Card got me 3-cent per gallon discount. Then I learned that was only in Florida and that a Walmart Credit Card was required to get discounts in Georgia and Alabama. Well, I got one of those, but then learned that a credit card purchased from Florida doesn't get a discount in Alabama! Weird, eh? But WAIT - if you get a Murphy credit card, you get a 4-cent discount at any Murphy station anywhere. I now have one of those (applications are at any Murphy station) and will let you know how that works out.

Recent Travel: Rockledge Florida to Mentone Alabama in June.

Upcoming Travel: Planning to return to Rockledge in August, then back to Mentone in October.

Read on for notes on my latest site updates, Art News, and wrapping up with my RAMBLINGS.

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Instead of my site updates, below is a list of where you find stuff mentioned above.

-, my views on a variety of topics that I have views on.

-, my Retirement Tips and RV Stuff website, containing everything I decided to write about since 1999.

- A site I built to highlight the businesses in downtown Mentone, Alabama, along with a little info on each of the other Mentones in the world. Included over 50 links to businesses and attractions around the Mentone, Alabama area.

- Website for our Art Gallery @ Mentone, with some art examples, our hours, and other info.

-, my corporate website, listing all of the sites that I've built and am currently maintaining. It also shows you how CHEAPLY I could build a site for you!

-, My Travel Log.

- All about our rental cabin, with a calendar to help you decide when you want to come visit.

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- : New website I recently created for one of the artists that is displaying his work at our new art gallery.

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The Art Gallery @ Mentone opened July 2, 2010, had an excellent Grand Opening weekend, and is now open each week Thursday through Sunday, from noon to 6:00 PM. We invite all who receive this newsletter to visit our website and our gallery at your earliest convenience.

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For those who are receiving my newsletter for the first time, I generally close with some chatter about something that's bothering me, exciting me, or that I simply feel the need to talk about. In this case, I'm going to put in a last word of encouragement to those who haven't yet signed up to receive future newsletters.

I published my first newsletter in January 2003 and this is #62, so that's 62 in 91 months, or one about every month and a half. Not enough to clog your email, so you might want to sign up in case I ever say anything useful to you. Note email address below.

I also usually just email a note with a link to the online newsletter. I decided to actually include the newsletter on this one, on the chance that you might take time to read it. Hope it wasn't a bother and that you've found it semi-worthwhile.

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Email to sign up for the next newsletter, coming whenever I'm in the mood again.
Permanent Mailing Address: R. Hoffman, 1033 Jacaranda Circle, Rockledge, Florida 32955.
If you're looking for a specific topic in one of the old newsletters, the Search box on the right will find it for you. It will also point you to other references to the topic throughout the website.