Well, when the weather is cold and the market is down, I often unretire and do a little contract work in Huntsville, Alabama. If you're ever in Huntsville in your RV looking for a place to camp, I highly recommend the campground at the Space and Rocket Center. It's only $14 per night ($12.60 if you're Good Sam) and there's a very convenient phone connection for your internet access at the Business Center in the Marriott next door. There's also alot to see at the S&R Center, from interesting space and rocket stuff to an IMAX theater (see Chapter 27 for more info).

Not much going on at the campground to take pictures of, except the other day a guy came in driving a Ford F250 pulling about a 35' fifth wheel pulling a small SUV on a towbar. Figured that was worth a picture. Click it if you'd like to see a larger version.
Then, last Friday I went to lunch with a friend who got his pilot's license last year. He asked if I'd like to go for a short flight, so I did. Below, you'll find shots of Kevin (my pilot) and me by our plane. Then, as we started to take off, a big Russian plane crossed in front of us -- since it was Russian, I took pictures. I later found out it was an AN-124, the biggest plane in the world! Also found links to a newspaper article and more detailed info.
While flying, I got some pictures of the Madison Square Mall (might be interesting to those who have been there) and Space and Rocket Center. As above, click to see them bigger.
One thing I learned was that, at 3000 feet, there's not much to photograph unless you see something specific (and large) that you want a picture of. Mostly, the land all looks pretty much the same ... lol.
And that's about all I've got for now -- not really exciting, but maybe interesting to some. Click on "Next Chapter" to continue or "Back to Index" to go elsewhere.
For Pictures of the EP3 Recovery from China, Click Here
Correction! Well, I sit corrected. I was told today (3/27/01) that the plane I saw isn't in fact the largest -- the largest is one made by the same company called a AH-225 -- click the little airplane picture above to go see it.
Hark! Today (5/29/01) on The Today Show, NBC News announced that the "World's Largest Airplane" (an AN-124) might be used to carry out the downed C-135 in China (for details and pictures of the recovery, click here). I quickly informed them that the AN-225 was the largest, but later learned that it's no longer in production. Click the PARKED plane below for details. (I only inserted the flying AN-225 so all of you could say you've seen the world's largest airplane in flight) ... But WHOA! .. read more below!
I was just reminded (by someone reading the above erroneous info) that the wingspan of the AN-225 is 30 feet short of the REAL world's largest airplane, which goes on display in about a week (6/6/01) in Oregon! Click the Goose below for details!
Oops! It isn't a C-135, it's a Navy EP-3. I got an email today (8/15/01) about pictures of the recovery. Click on the left picture below for alot of words with the pictures (and bigger pictures) and right below for a quick picture summary. Either one you go to, be aware that they have the most recent news at the top of the page and it gets older as you scroll down -- kind of backwards -- must have been done by the military .. LOL. Thanks to Kevin Gervais for these links.
33. The World's Largest Airplane
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