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Retire and Travel for $1000 a Month, PDF version $5
autographed hard-copy $25
28 pages, 13800 words
Retire and Travel - 20 Years Later, PDF version $10
74 pages, 33600 words
False Signals, author really is me (Holly invented in an effort to appeal to women :)
PDF version $10
100 pages, 35000 words
Secrets for Winning Online Hold-Em Poker,
PDF version $10
approximately 60 pages, 30000 words, lots of pictures
Aliens to Vegas,
PDF version $7.95
HARD-COPY POCKETBOOK $9.95 + $3.95 shipping & handling
200 pages, 60000 words
Until further notice, you can get ALL 6 OF MY BOOKS for only $20 total! They'll be sent to you in Ebook form, to be printed or read using Adobe Reader.  Click the Adobe Reader icon on the right if you need to download the latest version free.

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Please Freshen My Water,
PDF version FREE
17 pages, 6000 words, pictures & videos