Nothing in this site is copyrighted -- I'd be honored if you'd reuse anything you find here for your website
In my library, you'll find books and tapes covering topics of interest to me, including RVs, RV travel, retirement lifestyles, neat jobs, and other topics that I enjoy, such as mysteries and Poker. To get more info on any of them or to ORDER ONE SO I CAN MAKE SOME MONEY, click the picture of the item. I've put an EBOOK flag on those that are online books -- of course, you have the option of printing them if you don't like reading from the computer screen. Items are listed in sort of a random order, so I've included a table of contents to allow you to JUMP down to whatever piques your interest.

Free Campgrounds of the West (2002 Edition) by Chuck Woodbury EBOOK
"Free Campgrounds of the West" includes a directory of RV campgrounds where RVers can stay the night for free (or nearly free in some cases) in 16 western states. But there is much more including information about staying for free at rest areas, Wal-Mart and casino parking lots, truck stops (often called Travel Centers) and on government land (up to two weeks for free or up to seven months for only 60 cents a day). This book will save most RVers many, many times its modest cost of only $10.95. Our best selling ebook. Thousands sold!

The ABCs of RVing by Chuck Woodbury EBOOK
When someone new to RVing begins thinking of buying a recreational vehicle, a flood of questions come to mind, some so seemingly basic that the new RVer might wonder who to ask without being embarrassed. Most guides to RVing overlook the very basic information newbies seek because the authors assume they already know them. But that's seldom true! The fact is, there is an incredible amount to learn!
This ebook answers more than 160 questions that new RVers ask, providing RV newbies a jump start on learning what they need to know to enjoy their RV travels more! Only $11.95!

The Dummy's Guide to Buying a Pre-Loved RV! by Les Doll EBOOK
The guide was written by a working Certified RV technician, with years of RV construction and maintenance experience. Inside you will find many little-known secrets and methods used by professional buyers to evaluate a used RV.
Buying a pre-loved RV is an exciting experience, while at the same time, it can be a frustrating and ultimately expensive proposition. This one of a kind electronic guide is your step by step road map to the selection of a trouble free used RV.
Easy RVing With Joe & Vicki Kieva VIDEO
This complete and non-technical "how-to" guide takes you step-by-step through the essentials of RVing.
Approx. 35 min.
Top 40 RV Camping Tips With Joe & Vicki Kieva VIDEO
Discover time-tested tips and techniques that are sure to enhance your RVing experience.
Approx. 30 min.
Budget RV Travel With Shirley Slater and Harry Basch VIDEO
Packed with essential tips on how to cut the costs on your RV adventures.
Approx. 35 min.
Discover America By RV With Shirley Slater and Harry Basch VIDEO
Explore America's majestic landscapes and discover little known points of interest in this unique road travel guide.
Approx. 35 min.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to RVing by Brent Peterson PAPERBACK BOOK
Expert tips on finding the RV that's best for you and your family. Idiot-proof steps to ensure proper RV performance. Road-ready advice from weekend trips to a life on the road.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

The RV Buyers Survival Guide by Bob Randall PAPERBACK BOOK
In his book, " The Rv Buyers Survival Guide" How to survive and profit through the buying experience - Bob Randall tells all. He shares the knowledge of his 25+ years as both a RV manufacturer and RV dealer to show you how to make the right choices and pay a fair price- NOT what is being asked. Bob uses an easy to follow step by step funnel approach to help you sift through the 100's of choices out there. He shows you how to control the sales process in a manner which allows you to come out the winner every time and not get taken for a financial ride. Whether you are brand new to Rving or just moving up to something else, you can't afford to not know what he shares in this guide. Many dealers have refered to this guide as the "Little black book of Rv Knowledge" ...Can you really afford to buy without it?
Reduced prices available at Amazon.
Support Your RV Lifestyle!
An Insider's Guide to Working on the Road by Jaimie Hall PAPERBACK BOOK
A well-researched guide to finding gainful employment while living on the road. It provides some excellent exercises and budgeting tools that you can use to find the jobs that can support your dream of being out there.
It provides guidance for not only couples, but also for solo travelers, disabled workers and families who have elected to live life on the road. This insider's guide provides great tips honing your negotiating skills and serves to provide a baseline of expectations for the kinds of jobs one can find. The book is full of resources, addresses, e-mail sites and helpful information.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

Woodall's North American Campground Directory, 2002 by Woodall's PAPERBACK BOOK
Woodall's directories are the camping and RV industry's most widely used and respected campground directory, known for their accurate, reliable, and up-to-date rating system. Over 15,850 government and privately operated facilities are listed, including RV service centers and attractions. Park listings include facility descriptions, driving directions, camping fees, e-mail addresses, handicap accessibility and phone numbers. (8 x 11, 2,100 pages, maps)
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

2003 Trailer Life Directory:
Campgrounds, RV Parks, and Services by TL Enterprises PAPERBACK BOOK
The 2003 Trailer Life Directory is the most comprehensive, accurate, and reliable source of campground information for the more than 7 million RV owners. It lists and fully describes more than 12,500 private and public campgrounds, 1,100 RV service centers, and 900 tourist attractions. Full-color state maps help RVers plan their travels and pinpoint over 10,000 cities and towns with RV locations. This directory is the official directory of the largest RV organization, the Good Sam Club, which has a membership of over 950,000.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.
To Search the Amazon book list, click the button on the right. A Search for "RV" yields over 320 books. I've included a few of the most popular ones with which I'm familiar in the list below (labelled PAPERBACK BOOK).
To Search the Amazon book list, click the button on the right. A Search for "RV" yields over 320 books. I've included a few of the most popular ones with which I'm familiar in the list below (labelled PAPERBACK BOOK).

Cassadaga by Virgil Allen Wulff PAPERBACK BOOK
Cassadaga is Virgil Wulff's first published work and remains one of the classics in the metaphysical mystery genre. As the mystery unfolds, the reader is exposed to the complex world of mediums and psychics, initiated by a visit to Cassadaga and ultimately returning to the scene of the ominous prophesy.
"Everything was fine for Harry and Leana Warren until their stop in the small, spiritualist town of Cassadaga, Florida. Shortly after an alarming (and alarmingly accurate) psychic reading there, Leana disappears and Harry's life rapidly becomes one of mystery and suspense. Virgil Allen Wulff of Tampa spins a tale of true love, action and intrigue in his novel with the same name as the psychic center, Cassadaga." (St. Petersburg Times Review)
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

Death-Pact Reunion by Virgil Allen Wulff PAPERBACK BOOK
Another great mystery by Wulff, in which he demonstrates the phenomenon of post-death endurance "as we evolve into the Age of Consciousness, a time when energies of mind readily function with or without the physical body."
The story is about one mind who sequentially resides inside three human forms. He was born Allen Weston, then became Albert Williams, and finally, Mark Slater--all having incredible metaphysical gifts. It covers such strange phenomena as: Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP), Out-Of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Bodily (and Demon) Possessions, Heaven Imageries, After-Death Livelihood, and Lucid-Dream Visualizations.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

Don Wright's Guide to Free Campgrounds: Eastern Edition by Don Wright PAPERBACK BOOK
I bought Don Wright's free campground book way back before he had an Eastern and Western Edition. I've found it to be invaluable as a guide to some really neat little city parks, etc. where camping is entirely free for short periods -- often including electrical hookups! You'll save a bunch and find some really interesting out-of-the-way camping spots.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.
Don Wright's Guide to Free Campgrounds: Western Edition by Don Wright PAPERBACK BOOK
I bought Don Wright's free campground book way back before he had an Eastern and Western Edition. I've found it to be invaluable as a guide to some really neat little city parks, etc. where camping is entirely free for short periods -- often including electrical hookups! You'll save a bunch and find some really interesting out-of-the-way camping spots.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

The Complete Book of Hold 'Em Poker by Gary Carson PAPERBACK BOOK
Whether you're a novice player or a seasoned veteran, The Complete Book of Hold 'Em Poker can help improve your game. Valuable advice covers what to expect on a first visit to a card game; how to select the right table; how to adjust to changes in table conditions; and how to evaluate a pre-flop hand - the four most asked topics about Hold 'Em Poker in Internet poker chat rooms. Every aspect of Hold 'Em is covered here, from the basics to the more esoteric issues such as: Betting Theory; The Odds; Table Image; Spread Limit Games; Kill Games; Tournaments; and Playing for a Living. Gary Carson has been writing about poker and thoroughbred handicapping since 1984. He has contributed numerous articles to Card Player magazine, American Turf Monthly, and Racing Star Weekly. He lives in Austin, Texas. REVIEW IN NEWSLETTER #2003.7.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

Deadlihood by Virgil Allen Wulff EBOOK
This is Wulff's third book and possibly his best yet. Suggest you pay the $10 and judge for yourself.
In Deadlihood, Wulff includes descriptions of some brain-altering techniques to such a level of detail that he may convince you that they're more than figments of his imagination. His writing style uses a Ludlum-like approach that initiates multiple story lines which eventually merge, includes a "family history" that provides an intriguing trace of several generations of the main character's lineage, and wraps it all into a spell-binding adventure into the metaphysical and paranormal. His meticulous attention to detail will have you believing that he's been there and done that as he leads you from the slums of Chicago to the sun-drenched Cayman Islands. An important aspect of the story is how it predicts and technically describes the attainment of human immortality.

Merchants of Immortality by Stephen S. Hall PAPERBACK BOOK
Excerpt of Review from Publishers Weekly : "Drawing on scores of original interviews and contemporary source material, Hall, a contributing writer and editor at the New York Times Magazine (Invisible Frontiers: The Race to Synthesize a Human Gene), gives a timely and engrossing account of the high-stakes science of life extension. Among Hall's conclusions: distrust of science is the subtext of the debate over embryonic stem cells and research cloning, and regenerative medicine is inevitably yoked to health-care limitations in access, affordability, timeliness and, Hall writes, "simply, good medicine." He says the notion of "victory over mortality" is a canard, but we may be able to slow the aging process. This is top-drawer journalism."
Reduced prices available at Amazon.
The Quest for Immortality
According to a recent issue of Time Magazine, a large number of Baby Boomers appear to be pre-occupied with the concept of immortality -- or at least with the extending of human life. Below are two books treating the subject : the first by Stephen S. Hall is a documentary of the actual, while the second by Virgil Allen Wulff is a prediction of the possible. We suggest you read both to get a perspective on what is and what might be.

Seven-Card Stud for Advanced Players by David Sklansky, Mason Malmuth, Ray Zee PAPERBACK BOOK
In 1989, the first edition of this text appeared. Many ideas, which were only known to a small, select group of players, were now made available to anyone who was striving to become an expert, and a major gap in the poker literature was closed. It is now a new century, and the authors have again moved the state of the art forward by adding over 100 pages of new material, including an extensive section on "loose games." Anyone who studies this text, is well disciplined, and gets the proper experience should become a significant winner. David Sklansky is generally considered the number one authority on gambling in the world today. Besides his ten books on the subject, David also has produced two videos and numerous writings for various gaming publications. His occasional poker seminars always receive an enthusiastic reception, including those given at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City and the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. REVIEW IN NEWSLETTER #2003.8.
Reduced prices available at Amazon.

The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky PAPERBACK BOOK
The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky discusses theories and concepts applicable to nearly every variation of the game, including five-card draw (high), seven-card stud, hold 'em, lowball draw, and razz (seven-card lowball stud). This book introduces you to the Fundamental Theorem of Poker, its implications, and how it should affect your play. Other chapters discuss the value of deception, bluffing, raising, the slow-play, the value of position, psychology, heads-up play, game theory, implied odds, the free card, and semibluffing. Many of today's top poker players will tell you that this is the book that really made a difference in their play. That is, these are the ideas that separate the experts from the typical players. Those who read and study this book will literally leave behind those who don't, and most serious players wear the covers off their copies. According to the Amazon summary, this is the best book ever written on poker.

Mysteries have always been my favorite type of book to really settle into. When I read a mystery, I get so involved that it's almost like watching a movie. Below are some great mystery novels.

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown HARDBACK BOOK
With The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid thriller that marries the gusto of an international murder mystery with a collection of fascinating esoteria culled from 2,000 years of Western history.
A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ. The victim is a high-ranking agent of this ancient society who, in the moments before his death, manages to leave gruesome clues at the scene that only his granddaughter, noted cryptographer Sophie Neveu, and Robert Langdon, a famed symbologist, can untangle. The duo become both suspects and detectives searching for not only Neveu's grandfather's murderer but also the stunning secret of the ages he was charged to protect.
Reduced prices available at Amazon, including $10.47 ebook.

False Signals by Holly Hoffman EBOOK
In False Signals, Holly Hoffman weaves a web of intrigue that keeps the reader on the edge of their ebook keyboard. As the nature of the conspiracy at the International Banking Corporation becomes clearer, it also become painfully obvious that the road to foiling the diabolical plot is littered with murder and mayhem.
Holly's characters emerge and change with startling rapidity as the mystery unfolds, until we ultimately see Susan Montgomery blossoming as the unlikely heroine. As she evolves from a flirtatious floozy to a force to be reckoned with, she leads the team of amateur sleuths as they slowly, but surely, break down the wall of Government treachery protecting the entire false signal scheme.

Retire and Travel for $1000 a Month by Robert Hoffman EBOOK or HARD-COPY BOOK
Although this book describes a 5-month trip taken several years ago, most of the major costs (except gasoline) are still substantially the same as they were when the book was originally published. It starts with: My name is Robert ... I am a travel-a-holic. I've always been fascinated by the idea of traveling. When I was younger, I was intrigued by the thought of traveling to exotic places (South Pacific, Tahiti, Paris, Athens), but I could never quite work that out. When I was 16, I left home (Florida) with $1.50 and two bologna sandwiches with the thought of seeing California. Luckily, a flat tire about 30 miles from home turned me around. Five years later, I retired from my job as a postman, paid three month's car payments, and traveled around the country. Six months later, I returned home after clocking about 10,000 miles and 27 states (including California) and thought I had really seen it all and had the travel bug out of my system.
That was in 1962 - this book describes a 5000-mile trip in our new RV in 1984, with many RV buying tips, on-the-road tips, and amusing anecdotes about our adventures travelling from Florida to California.
Caro's Book of Poker Tells by Mike Caro PAPERBACK BOOK
This revolutionary book, written by the world's foremost authority on poker strategy, psychology and statistics, shows you how to use the art and science of tells. Know what your opponents hold by studying their gestures, words and body language. All of this can only help you WIN ALL THEIR MONEY!
Mike Caro is a recognized expert on gambling and on poker, in particular. He has authored 10 books on these topics and his book of Tells is recommended in several other poker books (e.g., the Hold 'Em book listed above). A reader's review on Amazon states "A must read for any serious poker player, this small book is absolutely the best collection of common poker tells. Highly recommended!"

Immortality Seekers by Virgil Allen Wulff EBOOK
Wulff's fourth book is the sequel to Deadlihood and also sells for $10. Buy both for a package price of $17.
If you've already read Deadlihood, you're probably like many of the readers, thinking "What if ...?" What if someone commercialized this process? What if it fell into the wrong hands? What if one could find a method for circumventing the obvious legal and ethical issues, then how many millions of dollars could be realized? What if there was a super-powerful society, above the law, independent of any government control, with the financial resources necessary to implement this costly, diabolical process?
Enter Brandenburg Group, a society of super-wealthy, super-powerful members who were willing to do whatever was required to achieve immortality. Watch closely as the scheme is hatched, evolved, and ultimately threatened with exposure in the Immortality Seekers.

Take Your RV To Europe: The Low-cost Route To Long-term Touring
by Adelle Milavsky, Ron Milavsky LARGE PAPERBACK BOOK
Nothing beats doing Europe in your own RV, leisurely and at length. Move at your own pace, change course on a whim, and savor local specialties in the comfort of your own home-on-wheels.... And you SAVE big time!
Adelle and Ron Milavsky have done the math to prove that taking your own RV is the least expensive way to see Europe for six weeks or more. They guide you every step of the way, from noodling the costs, to outfitting your rig, to plotting your Grand Tour, to storing your rig to tour another day. Take Your RV To Europe has it all.

Secrets for Winning Online Hold'Em Poker by Robert Hoffman EBOOK
There are many books around that tell how to play winning Hold'Em Poker, like The Complete Book above by Carson and the Theory of Poker below by Sklansky. This book by Hoffman goes the next step, disclosing secrets of techniques that only work online. After playing over 100,000 games online, these secrets will become obvious to you. This book provides the experience gained from those 100,000 games, available to you before you start your first game. It guides you through your first visits to online poker, suggesting ways to learn at play money tables, then moving on to real money tables. Several current online poker websites are reviewed and the pros and cons of each are described. Ebook is available now on this website for $15.
** SCI-FI **
Aliens To Vegas by Robert Hoffman and Virgil Allen Wulff
** RV STUFF **
Cassadaga by Virgil Allen Wulff

Casino Camping : Guide to RV-Friendly Casinos by Jane Kenny PAPERBACK BOOK
If you're looking for a place to camp while you spend time in a casino, this is the book for you. It lists casinos with pay campgrounds, as well as those that allow you to boondock free. It includes casinos in 25 states, which I assume are all those that currently allow gambling. Each write-up includes contact info, a description of the casino and the RV park, available discounts, and directions. The author groups casinos by type, separating land-based from riverboat, etc., making it very simple to find what you're looking for.
Although this makes a great reference book, it's also an interesting read to get information on boondocking, casino discounts, comps and other casino tips. It also gives the novice a great picture of what to expect when they first attempt to combine their camping with their casino recreation. REVIEW IN NEWSLETTER #2005.04.
You've Seen the Movie,
Now Read the Book!
The Da Vinci Code book is now available at Amazon for $14.97!
Buy it and/or another
great mystery by Holly Hoffman -
False Signals, available in Ebook for $10!

Aliens To Vegas by Robert Hoffman and Virgil Allen Wulff PAPERBACK BOOK or EBOOK
Aliens To Vegas (A2V) is definitely Science Fiction, since it involves non-terrestial aliens. It's also an RV adventure, as it describes an RV trip that Hoffman and Wulff took from Florida's Space Coast to Las Vegas. Finally, it's a plan for saving earthlings from themselves - the alien projects, the product of Wulff's life-long observations and his vivid imagination, are realistic recommendations for solving what Wulff considers some of our planet's major problems. If implemented, we might actually avoid destroying our world and ourselves.
Whether you're an RV fan, a Sci-Fi fan, or a Doomsday believer, you'll find this novel both entertaining and thought-provoking. Click the book for more detail, plus purchase information.

Retire and Travel - 20 Years Later by Robert Hoffman EBOOK
In this sequel to his first book, Retire and Travel for $1000 a Month, Hoffman packs 20 years of RVing knowledge into an entertaining and informational format. The primary topics are RVing and retiring, with tutorials ranging from how to get started in RVing to how to save money in retirement. Sprinkled among the informative tutorials are a collection of RV anecdotes from frightening to funny to feel-good, including a chapter by a RVing non-enthusiast on how to survive with an RVing fanatic.
Whether you're nearing retirement, curious about the RVing lifestyle, or just looking for an entertaining read, this book is for you. Available in ebook form at only $10.