1962 Buick Special Convertible - (1965-1966) Photo found on the internet. Mine was exactly this color, right down to the bright red interior. I traded my Volvo in for this car in 1965 after I got out of the Air Force. I only kept it for a short time, due to a couple of factors. One was that it had repeated mechanical problems. This was one of the first (and maybe one of the last) to have the aluminum V6 engine and it seemed to have a problem keeping timing chains. After paying a couple hundred twice to replace the timing chain, I decided to give the car back to the finance company. My explanation to them was that I couldn't afford both the payments and the repairs, and that I was a poor student with no income, so it wouldn't do any good to sue me. As it turns out, then didn't, and I went out and bought the 1966 Pontiac a week later. Not mentioned was the fact that I had traded in the 1956 Ford, 1959 Pontiac, and 1962 Volvo before they were paid for, so I owed quite a bit more on this car than it was actually worth. B etter to give it up and start over.